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Here at DreamFace, we are committed to improving the quality of life and well-being of aging adults with advanced technologies and continuous innovation. We believe that social robotics and other technological advancements allow for improved aging, well-being, and quality of life.
At Dream Face, we are developing socially assistive robots that ease the workload of caregivers and provide support to aging adults. Socially assistive robots like "Ryan" reduce caregiver workload by supplementing important daily tasks such as conversing with residents and faciliting game play. Aging adults who interact with Ryan can recieve conversational, cognitive, and physical exericse support. Daily interaction with Ryan can lead to enhanced memory and cognition and gives a new perspective on independence for those who want to continue to live in their own homes.
Develop AI Systems
Build Social Robots
Game Development
Ryan is a social companion for aging adults. Research with Ryan has demonstrated his ability to slow cognitive decline, enhance mood, improve memory retension, and more. Ryan is more than just a cutting-edge social robot. He is a friend, assistant, and a unwaivering companion.
Engaging with Ryan feels as effortless and delightful as having a heartwarming conversation with your closest companion.
Ryan nurtures and supports users by sharing positive emotions and acknowledging negative emotions.
Ryan's patented adaptive facial features bring to life an astonishingly authentic range of emotions and behaviors.
Ryan is perceptive and effortlessly analyzes your speech and emotions, anticipating your needs for an interactive journey.
Ryan's rear projection facial display allows him to share emotion without traditional mechanical parts. Users can choose from a variety of different faces and appearances with the push of a button. IP protection – US Patent 9,810,975
LEARN MORERyan was developed with funding from the NIH, NIA, and other funding sources. Our most recent grant-funded project aimed to develop cognitive and physical games and co-played by Ryan and aging adults.
EXPLORE RYAN’S GAMESCurious how you or your residents are using Ryan? An easily accessible dashboard allows users to monitor their progress within games, explore their usage statistics, analyze their conversations with Ryan, and much more.
HAVE AN ACCOUNT? Portal LoginAmericans suffering from Alzheimer’s disease (AD) cost the nation $236 billion annually with projected annual costs of over $1 trillion by 2050. Successful development of Ryan will improve older adult well-being, make caregivers more efficient and effective, provide significant financial benefits to the healthcare industry, and assist families and caregivers who are looking for ways to better assist older adults with AD.